Friday, September 27, 2013

Nebo Invitational

Wow, what a great performances our team had today. I wish that I was a better writer so that I could articulate how proud I am of so many of you. Training to prepare to race good is hard. Improving, staying focused, pushing though pain in races is hard. Most people don't have that type of drive and character to be a runner. There are some many people I want to highlight for having good races but it would probably take me five hours  to write it. So I am just going to tell you who gets the runners of the week and know that if you ran  a good race I noticed. Remember every race is a learning experience. Know what you did good and how you can be better. If you do that you will become a great runner.

On the girls side the runner of the week going to RYLEE WOOD. Rylee took a risk and put her self in a position to run a great race and it paid off. She ran up in that top 15 and refused to leave and ran a massive PR. There is a lot we can learn from Rylee's Tenacity and Audacious approach to her race. 1. You don't know what you can do unless you try. 2. You learn more about yourself from taking risk then you do from playing it safe. 3. Good old fashion, "heart" (or Gritt or whatever you want to call it) is a paramount part to improvement. FYI: 23 days ago Rylee ran a 23:43 on a very similar course. Today she ran a 21:08. Congrats

On the boys side LANDON ANDREWS wins runner of the week. I couldn't of asked for a better performance from Landon. We talked about what he needed to do for our team to be where they needed to be. Landon was committed and his mental and physical preparation lead him to a great race. Landon has put in such relentless time this year for the success of our boys team. He has been consistent and willing to do whatever it takes to run well. Now his hard work is starting to bring forth fruit.

For full results click HERE

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